Thursday 12 July 2012

Mass at St. Cecilia's Abbey

Since I won't be able to post during my live-in, I've got some posts scheduled for the time I'm away since I wouldn't want the blog to just lie dormant for three weeks. 

If I've managed to somehow time this correctly, then I will be at Mass when this goes up on the blog. And this is where I will be - the church at St. Cecilia's! When I was there for my visit I went to Mass and it was so beautiful. St. Cecilia's have the Ordinary Form Mass but in Latin, except for the readings which are in English. 

You are all in my prayers and please keep me in yours. 


  1. Wow that is so neat! I actually considered the Benedictines. I'm praying that your visit will help you on your way and hope that you receive some helpful advice and I hope overall you have a wonderful and enjoying experience! God Bless!

    1. Thank you very much for your prayers!
      God Bless
